Benefits of Fucoidan

Benefits of Fucoidan

Premium Health Supplements
Benefits of Fucoidan What is Fucoidan? Fucoidan is a natural complex polysaccharide found in many species of brown seaweed.  Laboratory studies suggest that it can prevent the growth of cancer cells and has antiviral, neuroprotective, and immune-modulating effects. Fucoidan occurs in the cell walls of the seaweed plant and serves to protect it from external stresses. The same protective benefits that are of value to the seaweed plant have also found to be of potential benefit for both human and animal health. Fucoidan extracts are utilised in a range of therapeutic health care preparations, being incorporated as high value ingredients in nutritional, medical device, skincare and dermatological products. History Fucoidan-containing seaweeds have a rich history of medicinal and therapeutic use. The earliest records have been unearthed at Monte Verde in Chile,…
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Lutein: The Antioxidant That Protects Your Eyes & Skin

Lutein: The Antioxidant That Protects Your Eyes & Skin

Premium Health Supplements
Lutein, nicknamed “the eye vitamin,” is a type of carotenoid antioxidant that is most well-known for protecting eye health. Ask yourself this question: How many colors are in your favorite foods? The answer will tell you how much lutein you’re getting. Just like many other types of antioxidants, lutein is found in brightly colored foods like fruits and vegetables — especially leafy greens and types that are deep orange or yellow. Along with another vision-boosting antioxidant called zeaxanthin, lutein is abundant in anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting foods including kale, broccoli and many other green vegetables, eggs yolks and citrus fruits — all of which help protect the eyes from oxidative stress. The average person who eats the Standard American Diet is likely running low in lutein, in addition to other important antioxidants.…
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Biotin Benefits: Thicken Hair, Nails and Beautify Skin

Biotin Benefits: Thicken Hair, Nails and Beautify Skin

Premium Health Supplements
Biotin, or vitamin B7, is a water-soluble vitamin that’s a part of the vitamin B complex — a group of key nutrients needed for healthy metabolic, nerve, digestive and cardiovascular functions. Biotin acts as a coenzyme in the body that’s needed for the metabolism of fatty acids, amino acids and glucose. This means that when we eat foods that are sources of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, vitamin B7 — biotin — must be present in order to convert and use these macronutrients for bodily energy to carry out physical activities and for proper psychological functioning. Biotin benefits include helping to give us a young, attractive appearance since it plays a major part in maintaining the health of our hair, nails and skin. In fact, biotin sometimes gets the nickname the…
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Benefits of Probiotics for Pregnant Women

Benefits of Probiotics for Pregnant Women

Premium Health Supplements
Novel research indicates emerging health benefits of probiotics on maternal and perinatal health. These include reduced risk of gestational diabetes and associated complications as well as reduced risk of preeclampsia. The neonatal and long-term health benefits of probiotic supplementation during pregnancy are becoming better recognized among the natural health care community. The health benefits of probiotics for maternal health and complications around delivery outcomes are less well known. Nonetheless, several studies indicate that probiotic use in pregnancy is well justified from the standpoint of maternal health. The gut microbiome has been associated with risk of several perinatal complications, including preeclampsia, gestational diabetes (GDM), and maternal weight gain during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes According to a 2010 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, probiotic supplementation combined with dietary modification reduced the risk of GDM,…
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Eating Blueberries Every Day Can Lower Blood Pressure

Eating Blueberries Every Day Can Lower Blood Pressure

Premium Health Supplements
With hypertension (HTN) affecting nearly 80 million people in the United States and cardiovascular disease (CVD) the leading cause of death, any intervention that can lower blood pressure has the potential to save lives. In a study in the current issue of the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Florida State University researchers found that daily consumption of blueberries for eight weeks resulted in significant reductions of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.  Although the prevalence of HTN is associated with aging in both sexes, the increased incidence of high blood pressure, particularly systolic blood pressure (SBP), in women after menopause exceeds that of men. Endothelial dysfunction may play an important role in the increases in blood pressure that occur after menopause. Further, endothelial dysfunction is known to…
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Fish Oil and Rheumatoid arthritis

Fish Oil and Rheumatoid arthritis

Premium Health Supplements
Ordering off the seafood menu may help ease the aches and pains of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), according to a new study in Arthritis Care & Research. People with RA who ate fish at least twice a week reported less joint swelling and tenderness than those who rarely or never did—and the findings suggest that the more fish they ate, the less active their disease. The study involved 176 people with RA who answered questions about their diet over the past year. Specifically, the authors looked at responses to questions about how often people ate tuna, salmon, sardines and other fish prepared raw, broiled, steamed or baked. They did not look at how often people ate fried fish, shellfish or fish in mixed dishes (like shrimp stir-fry, for example), because these…
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Research on Heart Disease in Women

Research on Heart Disease in Women

Premium Health Supplements
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women. Women often experience heart disease differently than men. For example, men have more heart attacks than women, but women have a higher heart attack death rate. Women experience higher bleeding rates during percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) performed through femoral arterial access. Women are also more susceptible to drug-induced cardiac arrhythmias. FDA’s Office of Women’s Health (OWH) supports research to provide valuable insight into sex differences in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. OWH has worked across several FDA Centers to support studies on issues ranging from sex differences in cardiac interventions to the cardiotoxicity of breast cancer drugs. Since 1994, OWH has funded 69 studies (15 ongoing and 54 completed). The results of the completed studies have led to…
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4 ways to eat your way to lower cholesterol

4 ways to eat your way to lower cholesterol

Premium Health Supplements
Many people can reduce cholesterol levels simply by changing what they eat. For example, if you are a fan of cheeseburgers, eating less meat (and leaner cuts) and more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can lower your total cholesterol by 25% or more. Cutting back on saturated fat (found in meat and dairy products) and trans fat (partially hydrogenated oils) can reduce cholesterol by 5% to 10%. According to a Special Health Report “Managing Your Cholesterol” from Harvard Medical School, you can lower your cholesterol by changing what you eat. Here are four steps for using your diet to lower your cholesterol. Stick with unsaturated fats and avoid saturated and trans fats. Most vegetable fats (oils) are made up of unsaturated fats that are healthy for your heart. Foods that…
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The Benefit of Omega-3

The Benefit of Omega-3

Premium Health Supplements
Omega-3 fats have a variety of health benefits related to their anti-inflammatory properties. The omega-3 fats come in three main forms: DHA, EPA, and ALA. ALA is found in certain nuts, seeds, and pastured animal foods like grass-fed beef and dairy where EPA and DHA are found in fatty fish like salmon and mackerel. Most omega 3 benefits have been found in EPA and DHA so you will want to focus more on consuming those omega 3 foods. The health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids are immense and they have been proven effective in the treatment and prevention of hundreds of medical conditions. Omega-3 deficiency is common in industrialized countries because of the excess consumption of omega-6 fats.  The average ratio in america is 20:1 when it should be closer…
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The Amazing Benefits of Honey

The Amazing Benefits of Honey

Premium Health Supplements
Honey is centuries old, potentially dating back to 2100BC when the first honey bees are thought to have originated from South Asia. Honey could be described as the ‘Nectar of the Gods’ for its historic uses for health, vitality, medicine, and beauty. In its most simple form, it is a healthy and characteristic natural sweetener; it is a widely used alternative to cane sugar. We should really appreciate the level of work put in by the amazing bees that produce our honey worldwide- it is thought that it may take around 160,000 bees to produce just one pound of honey! It is also almost guaranteed that as a child if you had a cold or a sore throat you were mixed up a concoction of honey and lemon to treat…
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